Joseph Kosuth
Located Work
Artists' Research Laboratory (I CSAV)
7–27 July 1995
"The seminar held by Jospeh Kosuth, Located Work, focused on the issues concerning the ideations and creation of a work of art. During the seminar each artist elaborated a written project which was then exposed in the end of course exhibition next to the work developed by another artist. Kosuth deconstructed student's single individualities, incouraging each one of them to write a project and then hand it to someone else who developed it. Every student gave their written project to another and develeped someone else's. The completed works did not have an author, the result was a fragmentation of the individual in many parts. The aspect regarding individual creativity was strongly inhibited, as we find in Kosuth's practice."
(Angela Vettese)
Annie Ratti
Giacinto di Pietrantonio
Angela Vettese
Emilia Terragni
Anna Daneri